Fall Fest

NGTC Fall Fest
Lip Sync Battle

Please submit this form by September 10, 2024. After submission, please send an MP3 copy of your song choices to Sherry Seal (sherry.seal@northgatech.edu).

Sorry. This form is no longer available.

Once your song has been confirmed by Seal/Campus Life, email or text an MP3 copy to Sue with JB jams (jbjams@bellsouth.net or 770-294-9709) by September 10, 2024.

Groups will be judged in 5 categories with a maximum of 5 points per category (total maximum score = 25). 
  1. Appearance – costume; hair; accessories; the overall look 
  2. Performance – eye contact; confidence; preparation; choreography
  3. Lip Sync Ability – know the words! 
  4. Energy – energetic and enthusiastic
  5. Audience Response – captivate the audience 
Updated: July 2, 2024 - CARES, CRRSAA, ARP & SSARPView the CARES Act, CRRSA & ARP Information and Covid-19 Guidance