The Nurse Aide Accelerated certificate of credit program provides hands-on healthcare to patients and assists them in daily life activities that cannot be accomplished on their own due to illness. This certificate may be completed in a mini-mester or full-semester program.
North Georgia Technical College is a State approved Nurse Aide Training Program (NATP). As an approved Nurse Aide Training Program, we offer training to students in order to become eligible for certification as a certified nurse aide. Graduates of the certificate program may take the competency evaluation examination. Graduates who successfully pass the written/oral and skills competency examination are included on the Georgia Nurse Aide Registry.
Students who complete the Nurse Aide Accelerated program may sit for the Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) exam.
Nurse Aide Accelerated Certificate graduates may find employment in places such as:
Home Health Care or Long-term Care Facilities
Hospitals and clinics
Hospice facilities
Additional career options can be researched on the following site(s):
The Nurse Aide Fast Track certificate of credit program provides hands-on healthcare to patients and assists them in daily life activities that cannot be accomplished on their own due to illness.
Emphasis si placed on understanding and developing critical thinking skills, as well as demonstrating knowledge of the location and function of human body systems and common disease processes; responding to and reporting changes in a residents /patients condition, nutrition, vital signs; nutrition and diet therapy; disease processes; vital signs; observing, reporting and documenting changes in a residents condition; emergency concerns; ethics and legal issues and governmental agencies that influence the care of the elderly in long term care settings; mental health and psychosocial well-being of the elderly; use and care of mechanical devices and equipment; communication and interpersonal skills and skills competency based on federal guidelines. Specific topics include: roles and responsibilities of the Nurse Aide; communication and interpersonal skills; topography, structure, and function of the body systems; injury.
The Nurse Aide certificate of credit program provides hands-on healthcare to patients and assists them in daily life activities that cannot be accomplished on their own due to illness.