PackCARE = Protecting the Pack with Care – Awareness – Respect – Encouragement
PackCARE is dedicated to a proactive, coordinated, and planned approach to the identification, prevention, assessment, management, and reduction of interpersonal and behavioral threats to the safety and well-being of the North Georgia Technical College community.
NGTC seeks to provide a safe and supportive learning environment for our students and staff. To ensure the ongoing safety of our campuses, NGTC has designated a team of staff to respond to concerns about mental health or dangerous behaviors. This team, called PackCARE, coordinates a variety of resources for students and staff in need of assistance, including those with mental health issues, dangerous or distressing behaviors, relationship problems, substance use and addiction, and other concerns.
The team does not replace disciplinary processes, classroom management, other programs and services, and/or public safety response to incidents. PackCARE works within all current college policies and coordinates resources to help students achieve success.
PackCARE is not an emergency response team. If you are experiencing an emergency or critical incident, contact 9-1-1.
Anyone in the NGTC community who observes an emergency or behavior that is dangerous or severe should contact 911 immediately.
Dangerous or severe behavior includes any incident where a person is demonstrating an imminent or direct threat to self or others, for example, a suicide threat or plans for a suicide attempt, or a direct threat to others including actions or remarks about actual or planned physical violence or harm, sexual assault, or property vandalism.
Faculty, staff, and students who are concerned about behavior that is disturbing, disruptive or distressed but does not pose an imminent danger should complete a PackCARE Incident Report Form. Once the report is received, the PackCARE team will develop an appropriate response plan. The response will be based on the nature of the behavior, the severity of the risk, and the needs of the person.
In general, any behavior that causes concern for a student, faculty, or staff member’s safety or well-being should be reported.
Follow the link below to share your concerns:
An introduction video to PackCARE.
If you have any further questions, please contact us:
By phone: 706-754-7803
By email:
Reporting form: PackCARE Reporting Form