Financial Aid

Student Affairs > Financial Aid

Where Do I Start?

Enrolling in college is a life-changing decision and finding a way to fund your education is no easy task. Because we at North Georgia Technical College believe that the talents, hopes, and ambitions of our people are among the most valuable resources this nation possesses, the Financial Aid Office is committed to helping you find a way to earn the education you deserve. NGTC realizes that most students need financial assistance in order to attend school.

From state programs such as HOPE Grant, HOPE Scholarship, The Zell Miller Scholarship, and HOPE Career Grant, to Federal Aid Programs such as Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), Federal Work-Study Program, the Financial Aid Office at NGTC offers a wide variety of aid options to help all students meet their educational goals.

Priority Deadlines to Submit FAFSA and Documentation

Visit to complete a 2024-2025 FAFSA for Fall 2024, Spring 2025 and Summer 2025.

Financial Aid Forms

2024-2025 Forms

Office of Financial Aid

If you have additional questions, please contact the Financial Aid office at the campus you wish to attend:

Clarkesville Campus:

Kelly Duncan
(706) 754-7766

Lori Whiting
(706) 754-7864


Currahee Campus: 

Brian Fortner

(706) 779-8115


Blairsville Campus:

Ida-Lynn Wallace

(706) 439-6339

Need help completing the FAFSA application? Click below for information and a checklist to help you complete your FAFSA!

Already completed a FAFSA for the semester?

If you have already completed your 2024-2025 FAFSA:

Complete your Financial Aid File:

    • For Accepted Students who have not created an account:
      1. Go to
      2. Select Student Resources and BannerWeb
      3. Login to your BannerWeb account using the first portion of your student email address before the @ sign and your email password
      4. Select Student Services and Financial Aid
      5. Select Financial Aid
      6. Select Campus Logic link
      7. Select Create Account
      8. Confirm your student information
      9. Select Create
        If you encounter any errors with Campus Logic, please contact your financial aid advisor.
    • Please submit ALL requested documents by the Financial Aid Priority Deadline, in order to have aid on your account by the payment deadline.
    • Check Authorized Financial Aid AFTER you have registered for classes.
      • Aid cannot be authorized until you have registered for classes.
    • For questions regarding Financial Aid Awards, please contact your Financial Aid Advisor

Check Authorized Financial Aid:

  • Log into BannerWeb using your User ID (email) and password/PIN.
  • Click Student Services→Student Records→Account Detail For Term.
  • Financial Aid awards are listed toward the bottom of the page under the heading Authorized Financial Aid as of mm/dd/yyyy (number will be negative).
    • If you are awarded Pell Grant and/or HOPE Grant/Scholarship, they will automatically be accepted for you.
  • Tuition, fees, and applicable charges will automatically be deducted for the Authorized Aid.
  • For questions regarding Financial Aid Awards, please contact your Financial Aid Advisor.
  • For questions regarding Account Balances and Charges, please contact the Cashier’s Office.

Check Account Balance:

  • ​​To view account balances on BannerWeb: → Student Resources → BannerWeb → Enter Secure Area → Log in to NGTC Student & Employee Records System → Student Services and Financial Aid → Student Records → Click on Pay by Check or Credit Card.
    • A negative balance is the amount that you have remaining after tuition and fees are deducted.
    • A positive balance is the amount that you owe for the semester
  • Payment plans are available through Nelnet which allows students to pay off their balance in installments instead of all at once. For more information, please visit
  • To avoid being dropped from classes, account balances must be paid in full by the first day of classes.
  • For questions regarding account balances and charges, please contact the Cashier’s Office or visit

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply for Financial Aid (including grants, work study and HOPE)?

To apply for most types of Financial Aid (Pell Grant, HOPE, Federal Student Loans, NGTC Scholarships, Work-study, etc.) complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at

When are current financial aid priority deadlines?

Current deadlines can be viewed in the table above on the Financial Aid page. 

What if I apply for financial aid past the priority deadline?

If you apply for Financial Aid past the priority date deadline, your application will be processed in the order that it was received. Because of processing times, you are not guaranteed to have aid posted to your account before the payment deadline.  If this occurs, please be prepared to pay your fees prior to the payment deadline and await reimbursement, if eligible.

What is the processing time for financial aid documents?

Once the Financial Aid Office has received the necessary documents, processing time varies from 3 -14 days depending on whether the application is chosen for verification, type of aid requested, and program of study.

How do I know what I have been awarded?

There are two options to view what financial aid you have been awarded. Log into your BannerWeb account, choose the link Student Services, then choose Student Records, then choose Account Detail For Term, and finally click on the term that you want to view the aid for, and the aid will show under Authorized Financial Aid

How is Pell Grant awarded at NGTC?

For the purpose of Pell, NGTC operates on a two-term disbursement schedule. This means that a student’s annual Pell Grant award is divided into two disbursements. The annual maximum Pell Grant award ($7,395 for 2024-2025) is divided between the fall ($3,698) and spring ($3,697) semesters. Any remaining funds are available for disbursement in the summer semester. Students who are enrolled for at least 12 credit hours, both fall and spring semesters, will have additional Pell Grant funds available to them for the summer semester. The student must meet all other eligibility requirements in order to receive a Pell disbursement for summer semester. A student not enrolled for at least 12 credit hours both fall and spring semester should have a portion of their annual Pell Grant Award available to disburse for summer semester. Enrollment status determines the amount of Pell Grant funds awarded each semester.

Credit Hours Enrollment Intensity Formula Enrollment Intensity Enrollment Status Equivalent
12 (or more) 12 ÷ 12 = 1.0 100% Full-Time
11 11 ÷ 12 = 0.917 92% Three-Quarter Time
10 10 ÷ 12 = 0.833 83% Three-Quarter Time
9 9 ÷12 = 0.75 75% Three-Quarter Time
8 8 ÷ 12 = 0.667 67% Half-Time
7 7 ÷ 12 = 0.583 58% Half-Time
6 6 ÷ 12 = 0.50 50% Half-Time
5 5 ÷ 12 = 0.417 42% Less-than-Half-Time
4 4 ÷ 12 = 0.333 33% Less-than-Half-Time
3 3 ÷ 12 = 0.25 25% Less-than-Half-Time
2 2 ÷ 12 = 0.0167 17% Less-than-Half-Time
1 1 ÷ 12 = 0.083 8% Less-than-Half-Time

Note: Enrollment intensity cannot exceed 100% for purposes of Pell Grant proration.

How will my Federal Direct Loan Funds be disbursed?

Beginning with the Fall 2017 Semester, NGTC will no longer be participating in the Federal Direct Student Loan Program.

What does being selected for verification mean?

The U.S. Department of Education randomly selects FAFSA’s for verification. This means that our Financial Aid Office must request certain documents to verify the accuracy of the information listed on the FAFSA. You will not be eligible for aid until this process is complete.

My FAFSA was selected for verification. What documents do I need to complete the verification process?


Students are notified by the Department of Education in their Student Aid Report (SAR) if they are chosen for verification. The NGTC Financial Aid Office will also contact the student to request specific documents, such as, tax transcripts and verification worksheets. Other documentation may be required depending on the information listed on the FAFSA.

If additional documentation is required to complete a student’s financial aid file, a student will receive a letter in the mail, and an email to their student account, if the email has been created and set up. Students can also check their Unsatisfied Requirements in BannerWeb. Student Services > Financial Aid > Aid Eligibility > Unsatisfied Financial Aid Requirements.

Will withdrawing from a course or courses affect my Financial Aid?

Students may drop classes in BannerWeb until the end of the drop/add period each semester.  The third class day of each semester is the last day to drop for a full refund of tuition and fees.  Students may also drop on the fourth class day of each semester, but tuition and fees will not be refunded for drops made on this day. 

After the drop/add period ends, the student must contact the instructor for each course or their advisor to withdraw from the course. Prior to withdrawing from the course(s), the student is strongly encouraged to communicate their decision for withdrawal with their program advisor. It is also recommended that the student consult with his or her Financial Aid advisor to determine what financial consequences may apply prior to withdrawing from the course. No student who has attended or participated in class during the last week of the semester may be withdrawn.

How will I get the balance of my Financial Aid after all eligible expenses have been paid?

North Georgia Technical College has partnered with BankMobile, to provide refunds to all North Georgia Technical College students­­.  For more information about BankMobile, visit this link:

Still Have Questions about your Financial Aid Awards?

If you have questions about your FAFSA or your Financial Aid Awards, please contact your Financial Aid Advisor listed under the header ‘Financial Aid Office’ on this page or email 

Please be advised that during high volume times, email is the fastest form of communication with Financial Aid Advisors.

Email Us
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