Build the right foundation for your career in Auto Technology in NGTC’s state-of-the-art classrooms and labs and develop lifelong skills for both personal and professional enjoyment and career opportunities.
Highly qualified instruction with real-world experience provides focused training for students with opportunities for diagnosing and problem-solving in a variety of situations.
Starting in the classroom, move through automotive repair fundamentals, then through automotive electrical systems. From there learn about other systems such as heating and air. Throughout the course of study, students will understand how all of the pieces will fit together as a whole. Program graduates receive an Automotive Technology diploma that qualifies them as automotive technicians.
The program is aligned with the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) program and emphasizes specialized hands-on training in:
Courses in the program include:
The Automotive Technology program may accept live work projects on a very limited basis. Please consult with the instructor on a particular project that may be appropriate for live work.
Individuals who graduate from NGTC’s Automotive Technology program can hit the shop floor running if they choose to become:
Auto Electrical/Electronic Systems Technicians
Automotive Transmission/Transaxle Tech Specialists
Graduates of the Automotive Technology program may work in a variety of fields including:
New/Used Car Dealerships
Auto Repair Centers
Additional career options can be researched on the following site(s):
Build the right foundation for your career in Auto Technology at NGTC.