Student Success Coaches

Student Resources > Student Success Coaches

Do you need help, have questions, or feel overwhelmed with College? Reach out to your Student Success Coach. They are here to help you.

Student Success Coaches offer support and services to all NGTC students. Students are encouraged to utilize this free resource to develop the skills and strategies necessary to navigate college and succeed in their study program. 

This free resource includes:

  • One-on-one coaching tailored to individual student needs with emphasis on improving time management, organization, and study skills
  • Guiding students to navigate college by connecting them with school and community resources 
  • Encouraging and empowering students to seek out their academic and career goals

In addition, Success Coaches offer instruction to enhance a student’s employability. The knowledge gained can further prepare students for entry into the workforce.

“Dream it. Do it. Graduate!”

female student in graduation cap and gown. 
Upcoming Events & Reminders

MMA Midterm

12:00 am - 11:59 pmAll Campuses

Meet the Coaches

Photo of Tina Dellaposta Tina Dellaposta Student Success Coach 706-439-6313
Photo of Barbie Gallimore Barbie Gallimore Student Success Coach 706-779-8102
Updated: July 2, 2024 - CARES, CRRSAA, ARP & SSARPView the CARES Act, CRRSA & ARP Information and Covid-19 Guidance